fight me fight about it all we wantgo
is these demos learning how to do it
do itwith their girlfriends they daytrip
problems we have problems with revelation
each of their handclaps hero’s subsaheroin
problems they know how to do it fight me
fight meteddy boy trigger happytesty
boy sing and fight me got a stupidsong
In my head looks like emperor elviskong
paulbrawljon twoofus on knees argumently
his fists we like it before sung perfectly
plague days require imperfect tunes
beaches presand and trees prepruned
itjars just a little amidst the
studio looking ondrugs in jambor
jamburg fire your manager fight me
fight menot right to hear this warped record
and it’s scratch just scratch a scratch the stretch marks
as they happen the laughs about them
about the coolgirl the fangyration
record needle innoculation
fight me fight me fight for makingup a
word like mama jeweli uhmabell
foyerstarsfourof them fable fabtop
johnlikeajockey stands highatop
diga horsey dig thepigsty armband
I wannawan highlyrec recoup yerhand