Things we've learned and how we'll be different from pretend genius
One shall always welcome new talent, in fact we shall actively pursue it, We will never deny you on your gender race affiliation gang vegetarian
publish with undergroundbooks
Two, keep updated with all people published on our websites
Three, Do not rely on people to dictate content (ie: people having kids in other countries etc etc) unless they taken on some dirty work to prove there ready
Four, We don't pretend
Five, We are Underground, the survivors. Pretend Genii are phantoms, spirits, third consious, demons, etc, we belong to a proud subterranean class of survivors that is not dictated by sunlight, favorable reviews, friends, portion happy size meals, etc
Six, There are no luxuries. Underground Books supports exactly that: Underground Books and the people that right them. We will not stand by and let a fellow writer or contributor wallow or kill themselves while we are riding jet skis.
7. Is a holy number, 6 is a beast unto itself.
The words fail us nearly always
fish don't know how to drink like us
in sembalance, they truly don't get
the pock riddiance macromay
that absorbs bladder just
hope that pink tinted conspiracy
justifies career, some hold it in to finnish
I've held it in for sisters wedding
waiting for the coated sand bar
a texas city red fish
a trout found broken line
lucky balanced paper cut catch
Ive been rejected seaweed bait
an unknown commodity trashed waistbin
to deny the authors experience
yes Ive only submitted twice in my life
once to long shot press
and second to pretend genius
in ten years experience I figured quality
of writing would persist
but to no avail most writers persistence
had allocated bloated fin waiters water
bubbled transient telltale todo list
a many girl, has insisted yes, you idiot
your should send in your shit consistent,
I always thought the quality of writing
should be omnipresent
but this being case was not what I submitted,
who knows in drunken prague sqaubble what I did
in fact preexist, now to come home to houston
trophyless I am still the leech monger brother
and son of poor working peoples diligence
to find hand check obligated chips ands salsa
I now can no longer give the group email
satisfaction, but laid out tribulation
of non existent funds stupid, no moniker to show
no fellow published
to death in hollows the few dormant sandwinder
have become prevalent at the listing of names
on the internet kin lisp
were discussing such themes, I in righteous
thunder am banding together bearing no google
brothers of triad forgotenless, for we know
that the hero mark bestowed our hindrance we'll
not forget and betray those poets that to this day
have prove more then the ones chosen "chosen"
a gift in heave for deliverance
in sembalance, they truly don't get
the pock riddiance macromay
that absorbs bladder just
hope that pink tinted conspiracy
justifies career, some hold it in to finnish
I've held it in for sisters wedding
waiting for the coated sand bar
a texas city red fish
a trout found broken line
lucky balanced paper cut catch
Ive been rejected seaweed bait
an unknown commodity trashed waistbin
to deny the authors experience
yes Ive only submitted twice in my life
once to long shot press
and second to pretend genius
in ten years experience I figured quality
of writing would persist
but to no avail most writers persistence
had allocated bloated fin waiters water
bubbled transient telltale todo list
a many girl, has insisted yes, you idiot
your should send in your shit consistent,
I always thought the quality of writing
should be omnipresent
but this being case was not what I submitted,
who knows in drunken prague sqaubble what I did
in fact preexist, now to come home to houston
trophyless I am still the leech monger brother
and son of poor working peoples diligence
to find hand check obligated chips ands salsa
I now can no longer give the group email
satisfaction, but laid out tribulation
of non existent funds stupid, no moniker to show
no fellow published
to death in hollows the few dormant sandwinder
have become prevalent at the listing of names
on the internet kin lisp
were discussing such themes, I in righteous
thunder am banding together bearing no google
brothers of triad forgotenless, for we know
that the hero mark bestowed our hindrance we'll
not forget and betray those poets that to this day
have prove more then the ones chosen "chosen"
a gift in heave for deliverance