Philippe Shils Philippe Shils lives in central Illinois. He has chapbooks available from Underground Books, Right Hand Pointing Press, and a collaborative one with his band The Red Wheelbarrows available at gigs and on Facebook by request. He plays old time banjo and has two kids who are patient with their father. He's currently writing PS: Your Poem A Week #weeklypoemandpic
POEMS from Philippe Shils Published Live at The Kitchen Poet
Philippe Shils' Links, Reviews, and MORE!
Philippe Shils on Facebook
Philippe Shils on Instagram
The Red Wheelbarrows
hey hey pretty baby by Philippe Shils (Paperback) - Lulu
“Patient Encounter” by Philippe Shils | Rattle: Poetry
Philippe Shils (@TomShilk) | Twitter
Philippe Shils: alone with my duaghter in the house / hey hey pretty baby
Sixth Finch - Winter 2013 - Philippe Shils - THE BRAIN SURGEON
Philippe Shils - RHP Issue 72 - Google Sites
One Poem from Philippe Shils - MadHat Lit
Philippe Shils Archives | Unbroken Journal
Timber - Sundress Publications
Philippe Shils on Instagram
The Red Wheelbarrows
hey hey pretty baby by Philippe Shils (Paperback) - Lulu
“Patient Encounter” by Philippe Shils | Rattle: Poetry
Philippe Shils (@TomShilk) | Twitter
Philippe Shils: alone with my duaghter in the house / hey hey pretty baby
Sixth Finch - Winter 2013 - Philippe Shils - THE BRAIN SURGEON
Philippe Shils - RHP Issue 72 - Google Sites
One Poem from Philippe Shils - MadHat Lit
Philippe Shils Archives | Unbroken Journal
Timber - Sundress Publications