submit(either by putting stuff in the box below (left) or sending a mail to: [email protected]. please follow all submission guidelines, which are sparing.
currently accepting submissions: the kitchen poet send 1-6 poems/flash/artworks or 1 longer piece, short story, essay, etc. no bios. (NOTE: we will NOT write you back to say it's been accepted. we WILL write back to say it's been published. we like a brisk pace in the kitchen. response times: 1 day-3 weeks) (NOTE: by submitting to The Kitchen Poet, you give us the right to publish your work, in part or as a whole, via social media, The Kitchen Poet Cookbook series, and other UndergroundBooks related projects. ) chapbooks send us your manuscripts. no limits. if it excites us we will work with you to publish it. currently out main vehicle of publishing are chapbooks. unfortunately we can barely pay our rents & so at present are unable to pay our contributors. expect instead to become a breathing part of our collective of many scattered brains. expect to have your words spread around. expect for us to have your back in a back alley street fight. (we'll record it on our phone) expect to become a part of something more than just Buyer-Consumer Relations. response time: from 2 hours to never depending on content) kiteFULLofWHISKEY (yes)
currently: NEW MANIFESTOS. kiteFULLofWHISKEY is a dynamic online exhibition space waiting for its next project. The site will change to conform to its project. Screen a movie? Edit a temporary lit zine? Exhibit your art/photography? The project can be big or small. The possibilities are endless. Pitch us an idea of how you would use this space! |
*unfinished list of other
17. poems made with animated gif-files and glitter. surprise us with new ways of making poems.
5. any kind of art. we're looking into hosting a low-resolution drunk phone photography competition.
9. the poet known as O (last seen in August, 2007, hitching a ride to Saguaro National Park, carrying "nothing but a small water bottle and a tiny and obvious Gucci knockoff")
13. send us your sexts. mascara on everything.
53. stand-up routines. historical documents.
1. prison diaries. if you've been to prison recently and kept a diary, please let us know.
22. translated poetry. if you don't know a second language it's ok to translate from english-to-english, alternatively imagine that you know a second language, imagine writing a poem in that language, and then translate it.
33 1/2. we love postcards.
2. children's books. send us your children's books and we will test them on our children.
7. pornography/smut/erotica of the "his hot member" and "I traced the" variety. make us blush.