Rumors of sirens.
People talk about
what may come.
They look up.
They look across.
They hear sirens.
They think
maybe ambulance
maybe police
maybe firetruck.
There are chants
and names
and we sit
and we stand
and we listen
and summer comes
and sirens come
and sounds
like sirens
but not for you
and not for me
maybe for you
maybe for me
and a sound
like a siren
that sings
of silence
and insects calling
and my son is calling
for no sirens
and for sleep.
We don’t want
to talk we want
to sleep and the
moon sieved
through the leaves
is quieter than
the sirens.
Momma cut the
branches away
from the neighbor tree
so the moon could
come through
or was it so
the sun
could strike
the garden
or to hear
the sirens better
and wonder