Sleeps with her books
her cat her rhetoric
imaginary men steal
one at a time into
her bedroom perfect
men who stay lodged
in her memory until
well after she's awakened
she's cool smokes and
flirts dirty from the corners
of her mouth suggesting
she's more of a woman
than a child we met
over a plate of cocaine
before christmas and swore
we'd steal away to mexico
and marry in the spring
listening to the right
bands and speaking philosophies
nude on a couch pressed
together like change
in my pocket
our secret incorporation intact
coffee and scotch whisky
made her the most amazing woman
in the world
for a while.
Now she sleeps with her books
her cat
her rhetoric and
an unending train
of imaginary men
none of whom are me.
10/6 in this style
-Matt Crow
her cat her rhetoric
imaginary men steal
one at a time into
her bedroom perfect
men who stay lodged
in her memory until
well after she's awakened
she's cool smokes and
flirts dirty from the corners
of her mouth suggesting
she's more of a woman
than a child we met
over a plate of cocaine
before christmas and swore
we'd steal away to mexico
and marry in the spring
listening to the right
bands and speaking philosophies
nude on a couch pressed
together like change
in my pocket
our secret incorporation intact
coffee and scotch whisky
made her the most amazing woman
in the world
for a while.
Now she sleeps with her books
her cat
her rhetoric and
an unending train
of imaginary men
none of whom are me.
10/6 in this style
-Matt Crow