1. splinters
d rip the leg 's d un
g ape th ingks in ra
in's coll apsant nos
tril ls and coughs an
c off s torm of gl
ass vents the epi
dermis - viento ,ven
tana ,voz - VACÍO
where the guts oncet
r oiled ¡ay the s
urging g utter!
)at last at last(
my dream of forks and
stolen camera
d rip the leg 's d un
g ape th ingks in ra
in's coll apsant nos
tril ls and coughs an
c off s torm of gl
ass vents the epi
dermis - viento ,ven
tana ,voz - VACÍO
where the guts oncet
r oiled ¡ay the s
urging g utter!
)at last at last(
my dream of forks and
stolen camera
2. congeal
endraggled s.tone yr h
off leg comp acted was
a .bubusiness is ff,,,in
gered c lay yr r.aft
er s pray an prey
.choose the gr ease ph
onetics ch oose the ttex
t sidecutoff a wadded
in the ff.ire yr w
atch co~n~ceals is
finger/talk sm ashed
betweneath uh rock ?
shshit in shoe
3. watch
dim shirt dim shirt dim
shirt dim shirt dim shirt
dim shirt dim shirt dim
shirt dim shirt dim shirt
dim shirt LASH hurt him
hurt him hurt him hurt
him hurt him hurt him
hurt him hurt him hurt
him hurt him hurt him
4. hoy
the crap
mist ni b
ruma ru
mor in
it sees
rapt comb
hus h air
the town the
ash leap
2. congeal
endraggled s.tone yr h
off leg comp acted was
a .bubusiness is ff,,,in
gered c lay yr r.aft
er s pray an prey
.choose the gr ease ph
onetics ch oose the ttex
t sidecutoff a wadded
in the ff.ire yr w
atch co~n~ceals is
finger/talk sm ashed
betweneath uh rock ?
shshit in shoe
3. watch
dim shirt dim shirt dim
shirt dim shirt dim shirt
dim shirt dim shirt dim
shirt dim shirt dim shirt
dim shirt LASH hurt him
hurt him hurt him hurt
him hurt him hurt him
hurt him hurt him hurt
him hurt him hurt him
4. hoy
the crap
mist ni b
ruma ru
mor in
it sees
rapt comb
hus h air
the town the
ash leap