We keep having these conversations but you act like an errant school-kid, recalcitrant and bent on his ways.
India, I have work to do but I see you are up to your old ways again, killing innocents in Kashmir. I don't think we have much in common anymore, except for a habit or two.
You tried to fuck up the elections in Bhutan too, I read in the papers. Nepal has long been your favourite concubine, to kick and love as you please. You cut deals with the Burmese Junta while Bodhgaya burns. I have not yet forgotten how you tried to stir up trouble in Bangladesh some time back.
And you cannot even save the 13th amendment in Sri Lanka.
India, who the fuck said you are a superpower?
You should read Allen Ginsberg sometime. Read America to start with.
The Adivasi has risen against you. You don't stand a chance if you don't mend your silly, cynical ways. And don't forget the Nagas.
You should release Kobad Gandhi right away and all his Politburo comrades: Narayan Sanyal (who is too old anyway), Pramod Misra, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Amitabh Bagchi, and Purnendu Mukherjee.
On what basis did you arrest Sheetal Sathe? For singing revolutionary songs? I am a revolutionary song. My pitch is so low the earth rumbles when I am in flow. I will single-handedly ensure the fall of your unjust edifices, your gubernatorial houses, your malls in which your middle-classes crush daily with their boots the sunken stomachs of my peasants and working class brethren. I want revenge and I want it like in a b-grade movie.
India, have you seen Guru Ho Ja Shuru? I think it is the greatest b-movie ever made. It has a patriotic snake in a cameo and a lion that whistles.
India, this is no way to behave.
India, this is not working out. You are a bad influence.
India, I work my ass off to earn a pittance, I just got married, I don't know what my prospects are, and you would not let me have a moment of peace.
How long will you covet Kashmir like a horny man his neighbour’s wife?
It does not look good. A.G.Noorani says in his book you have been deceiving the Kashmiris for the last sixty years. I fully believe him.
India, I can't fend for you if you don't do it yourself.
India, I had plans for you. I wanted us to have a good time. But I don't think you are worth it anymore.
India, I understand you want to suck America's cock. But could you please make it a bit discreet? I need some concentration to focus on what I am doing.