I do not need my lungs.
I adapt and learn to live without,
no longer dependent on air
to get that hammer inside my chest
swinging --
feeling more alive than ever.
I become aware that I do not see,
but rather occupy
a cranium-sized room with the shades
pulled open.
I am permeable.
I reach higher and lower states
of consciousness between each street light
I pass without feeling pride
or guilt.
I don't blink to moisturize my eyes.
I do it for the experience of seeing
the world afresh a thousand times an hour.
Calculations to cure cancer are
written on each signal sent to
wiggle my toes.
I feel the water in my body tugging
towards the faucets.
I become liquid.
Drink me down.
We are part and parcel of one another
We always have been.
Now aim me, hours later,
on your favorite tree or pages
of a book written in braille
because you never learned to digest
with anything other than your
I want you to transmogrify,
like me,
down the drain,
be flushed and follow pipes
to dreams you didn't even know
you had.
Wake up with the shades drawn,
that hammer swinging
Thumps into your chest.
Drop your lungs off next
to your keys and inhale deeply.
-David Walker
I adapt and learn to live without,
no longer dependent on air
to get that hammer inside my chest
swinging --
feeling more alive than ever.
I become aware that I do not see,
but rather occupy
a cranium-sized room with the shades
pulled open.
I am permeable.
I reach higher and lower states
of consciousness between each street light
I pass without feeling pride
or guilt.
I don't blink to moisturize my eyes.
I do it for the experience of seeing
the world afresh a thousand times an hour.
Calculations to cure cancer are
written on each signal sent to
wiggle my toes.
I feel the water in my body tugging
towards the faucets.
I become liquid.
Drink me down.
We are part and parcel of one another
We always have been.
Now aim me, hours later,
on your favorite tree or pages
of a book written in braille
because you never learned to digest
with anything other than your
I want you to transmogrify,
like me,
down the drain,
be flushed and follow pipes
to dreams you didn't even know
you had.
Wake up with the shades drawn,
that hammer swinging
Thumps into your chest.
Drop your lungs off next
to your keys and inhale deeply.
-David Walker