every action generates outcome
a whipped back
a kick in the teeth
a swollen black eye
dire news
a returning lover
dreams realized
bluebird reverie
found puppy
olympic joy
what was becomes
peanut-can snakes of cosmic spring
cruel infinite jokes
karma kicks/kisses
a perfect balance as past melts future
we reap our doing
only nows exist
caged by destiny or fate driven free
unknown rains on all humans
something I missed ?
I'm not a hunter
or bird watcher
deep focus on the locus
and long for the internal song
Lighten up
If I were bioluminescent
I'd become aquablue
for you
a love hue
to prove
i'm true
Patch of Blue -OFFICIALLY TITLED: Man, Hope and staggering nature
magnifying carbon dome
spawns a sunblock accident
a technical gift from Engine
soon only a few
patches of blue
we perish, Engine sputters stops
nature purges nature cleans
without us
Earth's second birth
Human-less pre-edenlike