I don't understand love,
but since I am in love with you,
when you excel,
I share your accolades.
When you fail,
your failure belongs to me.
When you burst with joy,
my happiness overflows.
And when a tear burns your cheek,
I brush it away from mine.
For Jim
You will never have
left my thoughts
long enough
to require
September 2014
Going through some old journals today, the anniversary of your
parents 67th wedding anniversary,
I found something I wanted to share with you, our dear children:
I guess I should call this "Both Halves, Journal 2010".
Sunday afternoon, September 12,2010
Top of a Vian mountain, where Jim's ashes will be placed with mine:
I linger here a while,
As women do
After their mates have gone.
They go first - our men -
Most often, they go first,
Leaving us to be both halves
Of the One we were.
And, as we feared,
We cannot.