The Angel of the Revelation, William Blake
And then I saw another mighty angel come
down out of heaven, having been wrapped in a cloud.
A rainbow was upon his head. I was struck dumb.
His countenance was as the sun. O, I was cowed.
His feet were fire pillars burning brightly at the strand.
Within his hand he had a scroll he had unrolled.
He placed his right foot in the sea, his left on land.
His voice was great, as is a lion's when it roars.
He roared aloud with seven thunders to command!
I was inspired to write, o, Lord, those words that soared;
but then I heard a voice with heavenly aplomb,
say, "Seal this—what the thunders said!" I would, I swore.
And then I saw another mighty angel come
down out of heaven, having been wrapped in a cloud.
A rainbow was upon his head. I was struck dumb.
His countenance was as the sun. O, I was cowed.
His feet were fire pillars burning brightly at the strand.
Within his hand he had a scroll he had unrolled.
He placed his right foot in the sea, his left on land.
His voice was great, as is a lion's when it roars.
He roared aloud with seven thunders to command!
I was inspired to write, o, Lord, those words that soared;
but then I heard a voice with heavenly aplomb,
say, "Seal this—what the thunders said!" I would, I swore.