to the Left
so far that the hand falls off the clock
here now in this place
on this Rock
used and spoiled
for yachts and bombs too long
find the virgin begin again
strip the shadow of greed
cast over this ball
Know Spirit
to dance around fires
emboldening joy
with little
the French had the right idea
when the masses were left with nothing
they set up the guillotine
in the street heads rolled
and things changed
in this USA
most only scrape along
or buy sell
and dream longshots
the bulk of their time
day after day
that Washington led a revolt
The Bleak and the Sun
unending devotion to abstract ideas
gives hope to some
steering others to martyrdom
through acts of madness critical thought scorns
and the powers that be press on
using military might as leverage
the most respected bargaining chip
as if life a game
and we pawns
when they worshipped the sun
the land we’ve trashed
was revered as well
the sun was god
not an abstract
the Nature they recognized
themselves as part of
they knew
that time is gone
now is ours as
the sun a threat to life
result of industrial waste for profit
far less important
than renewed respect for the natural world
we live in
and are part of
without abstraction
to the Left
so far that the hand falls off the clock
here now in this place
on this Rock
used and spoiled
for yachts and bombs too long
find the virgin begin again
strip the shadow of greed
cast over this ball
Know Spirit
to dance around fires
emboldening joy
with little
the French had the right idea
when the masses were left with nothing
they set up the guillotine
in the street heads rolled
and things changed
in this USA
most only scrape along
or buy sell
and dream longshots
the bulk of their time
day after day
that Washington led a revolt
The Bleak and the Sun
unending devotion to abstract ideas
gives hope to some
steering others to martyrdom
through acts of madness critical thought scorns
and the powers that be press on
using military might as leverage
the most respected bargaining chip
as if life a game
and we pawns
when they worshipped the sun
the land we’ve trashed
was revered as well
the sun was god
not an abstract
the Nature they recognized
themselves as part of
they knew
that time is gone
now is ours as
the sun a threat to life
result of industrial waste for profit
far less important
than renewed respect for the natural world
we live in
and are part of
without abstraction