My cyberflirtatuousness
advertises the smoothness
of granite milkshakes
more roughage to mix in
before we are done
You keep church rounds
i follow with confessions
answering new questions
sans curtain metal screen
The truth is not my friend
answers begetting more
need for a different face
now that you've seen this one
You tease me for using periods
say they mark quick words
like curt shushes of librarians
i talk more open-endedly
less finality for now
Dorchester Debutante
Texts Conspiracies
Hole condo got fined
4 one guys trash?
Bullshit cop upstairs
ratted on us 4 immunity
Breaks down a shed and
leave it out front like
a body and gives us the rap
Fucking bullshit!!!
Im moving it out of here
because no one will
our neighbors a real shit
in faggity teal shirts
in the yard on weekends
The neighbors complained
and I know who
but everyone h8ts him
Let's schedule a mtg
2 go over this prepare
4 yelling if noone shows
Lets do a recon
while piggys checking in
4 his night shift
Omg i just drove by
a big empty dumpster
perfect 4 body stash IRL
Recon after dark?
Ill drive u there
if u touch stuff
Ditko's Day
Wake up, walk kitchen
measure cereal box,
empty next shopping day,
last month's pages
as table mat.
Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom
no more than once, planning
eye’s path to drawing table,
composed as splash page.
Visit Kirby cove,
whisper it's too late,
take business card.
use marker, blot half-black.
Hold white side to hand back.
Go home, stare out
window till night
fall. Spider-Man musical
next door.
Put on white suit,
find backstage, sneak
up scaffolding, each step
no trick. Peer over,
watch unearned star’s
inevitable misstep. Witness
his fall from grace.
My cyberflirtatuousness
advertises the smoothness
of granite milkshakes
more roughage to mix in
before we are done
You keep church rounds
i follow with confessions
answering new questions
sans curtain metal screen
The truth is not my friend
answers begetting more
need for a different face
now that you've seen this one
You tease me for using periods
say they mark quick words
like curt shushes of librarians
i talk more open-endedly
less finality for now
Dorchester Debutante
Texts Conspiracies
Hole condo got fined
4 one guys trash?
Bullshit cop upstairs
ratted on us 4 immunity
Breaks down a shed and
leave it out front like
a body and gives us the rap
Fucking bullshit!!!
Im moving it out of here
because no one will
our neighbors a real shit
in faggity teal shirts
in the yard on weekends
The neighbors complained
and I know who
but everyone h8ts him
Let's schedule a mtg
2 go over this prepare
4 yelling if noone shows
Lets do a recon
while piggys checking in
4 his night shift
Omg i just drove by
a big empty dumpster
perfect 4 body stash IRL
Recon after dark?
Ill drive u there
if u touch stuff
Ditko's Day
Wake up, walk kitchen
measure cereal box,
empty next shopping day,
last month's pages
as table mat.
Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom
no more than once, planning
eye’s path to drawing table,
composed as splash page.
Visit Kirby cove,
whisper it's too late,
take business card.
use marker, blot half-black.
Hold white side to hand back.
Go home, stare out
window till night
fall. Spider-Man musical
next door.
Put on white suit,
find backstage, sneak
up scaffolding, each step
no trick. Peer over,
watch unearned star’s
inevitable misstep. Witness
his fall from grace.