Olesya Mischechkina Olesya Mischechkina is one was on the leading finalists in the Rimbaud's Cup of Queens. Starting her writing career off at an early age after joining the The Mustard Bastard Syndicate in the early Naughts, She blazed a path of poetry and letters that is still taking the current literary establishment time to digest. A Russian novelist stuck in an American poetics, Olesya deftly guides one through the littered landscapes of post apocalyptic desert towns to the dream eyed disillusionment of love and candor in this microwave age. Known for her verbose imagery and a keen sense of irony, she truly is one of the best writers to have burned out early, and leave behind a still yet unfurled and incomplete legacy. We invite you to follow the morsels still being laid out. Look for Letters of O in 2017.